Rain, Kim Nam-gil, UKnow Yunho – “Stars Who Will Be As Successful If They Were a National Athlete

Author: Lanh // Category: , , , , ,
International star Rain has been chosen as the star “who would be as successful if he were a national athlete”.
In a poll held by music portal audio.com on “Stars Who Would Be As Outstanding If They Were National Athletes”, Rain won first place with 26% of the votes.

With his chocolate abs, Rain was the predecessor of stars with perfect bodies. Be it on stage or on screen, he is constantly displaying his perfectly-shaped muscles, and his motor skills definitely do not pale in comparison to a soccer player.

Kim Nam-gil, who played the character of Bidam
in the television drama “Queen Seon Deok”, won second place with 20% of the votes.

UKnow Yunho, who starred as the talented soccer player, Cha Bong Gun in last year’s television drama “Heading To The Ground”, won third place with 18% of the votes.

So Ji Sub (16%), Ok Taecyeon (13%) and Kim Seong-Su (5%) won fourth, fifth and sixth place respectively.

Indo Trans:

bintang International Rain telah dipilih sebagai bintang "yang akan sebagai sukses jika dia adalah seorang atlet nasional".

Dalam jajak pendapat yang diselenggarakan oleh musik audio.com portal di "Bintang Siapa yg Jadi Seperti Apakah Posisinya, Jika Mereka Atlet Nasional", Rain memenangkan tempat pertama dengan 26% suara.

Dengan abs coklat nya, Rain pendahulu bintang dengan tubuh yang sempurna. Jadilah di panggung atau di layar, dia selalu menampilkan otot-ototnya berbentuk sempurna, dan keterampilan motorik-nya pasti tidak pucat dibandingkan dengan pemain sepak bola.

Kim Nam-gil, yang memainkan karakter Bidam dalam drama televisi "QSeon Deok", memenangkan tempat kedua dengan 20% suara.

Uknow Yunho, yang memerankan sebagai pemain sepak bola berbakat, Cha Bong Gun di televisi tahun lalu drama "heading to the ground", memenangkan tempat ketiga dengan 18% suara. Jadi Ji Sub (16%), Ok Taecyeon (13%) dan Kim Seong-Su (5%) memenangkan keempat, kelima dan keenam tempat masing-masing.

Source: Naver + baiduTVXQ
Translation: kimuchi3005 @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Shared : Fansclub Indonesia for Hero Jaejoong(FIH)

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